"The Convoy"

Title"The Convoy"
Year for Search2019
AuthorsMerchant, Brian
Secondary TitleMotherboard
Date PublishedJanuary 24, 2019
KeywordsMale author, US author

A near future dystopia in which a film telling the story of a terrorist cell within a convoy of immigrants moving toward the U.S. border is deliberately released to the media as an actual threat, and even though no evidence is found and the actor who played the leader in the film offers to testify, he is manipulated into trying to flee and imprisoned. Everything was designed to give the president an excuse to move troops to the border.


Illus. Koren Shadmi.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author is a journalist, and editor of Motherboard, and the founder of Terraform.

Full Text

2019 Merchant, Brian. “The Convoy.” Illus. Koren Shadmi. Motherboard (January 24, 2019). https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bjqxxm/the-convoy

A near future dystopia in which a film telling the story of a terrorist cell within a convoy of immigrants moving toward the U.S. border is deliberately released to the media as an actual threat, and even though no evidence is found and the actor who played the leader in the film offers to testify, he is manipulated into trying to flee and imprisoned. Everything was designed to give the president an excuse to move troops to the border. The author is a journalist, and editor of Motherboard, and the founder of Terraform.