Corporate Gunslinger: Greed Means Debt Means Violence. A Novel

TitleCorporate Gunslinger: Greed Means Debt Means Violence. A Novel
Year for Search2020
AuthorsEngstrom, Doug
Pagination311 pp.
Date Published2020
PublisherHarper Voyaher
Place PublishedNew York
ISBN Number978-0-06-289768-8
KeywordsMale author, US author

In mid-twenty-first century everyone is debt, with loans secured by a “lifetime service contract.” The novel focuses on a young woman who, to avoid defaulting agrees to be a corporate gunfighter in duels that are the final stage in arbitration.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

2020 Engstrom, Doug. Corporate Gunslinger: Greed Means Debt Means Violence. A Novel. New York: Harper Voyager. 311 pp. PU

In mid-twenty-first century everyone is debt, with loans secured by a “lifetime service contract.” The novel focuses on a young woman who, to avoid defaulting agrees to be a corporate gunfighter in duels that are the final stage in arbitration.