Corrigan's Light

TitleCorrigan's Light
Year for Search1982
AuthorsMarlow, Gregory
Date Published1982
PublisherVantage Press
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author

Flawed utopia set in 2142 where everyone lives underground, and everything is provided. Fictitious battles between computers representing different underground complexes provide entertainment. Synthetic food. People work six hours three days a week. Computerized fantasies available. It is all run by a computer. At the end people begin to return to the surface.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

1982 Marlow, Gregory. Corrigan’s Light. New York: Vantage Press. PSt

Flawed utopia set in 2142 where everyone lives underground, and everything is provided. Fictitious battles between computers representing different underground complexes provide entertainment. Synthetic food. People work six hours three days a week. Computerized fantasies available. It is all run by a computer. At the end people begin to return to the surface.