"The Country of the Strong"
Title | "The Country of the Strong" |
Year for Search | 1962 |
Authors | Etchison, Dennis [William](1943-2019) |
Secondary Title | Seventeen |
Pagination | 104-05, 157 |
Date Published | January 1962 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | Eugenic dystopia in which the unfit are publicly murdered by SS (Selectival Survival) operatives. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. in New Writings in S-F 4. Ed. [Edward] John Carnell (London: Dennis Dobson, 1965), 101-10 with a brief editor's note on 99. |
Holding Institutions | PSt |
Author Note | (1943-2019) |
Full Text | 1962 Etchison, Dennis [William] (1943-2019). “The Country of the Strong.” Seventeen (January 1962): 104-05, 157. Rpt. in New Writings in S-F 4. Ed. [Edward] John Carnell (1912-72) (London: Dennis Dobson, 1965), 101-10 with a brief editor’s note on 99. PSt Eugenic dystopia in which the unfit are publicly murdered by SS (Selectival Survival) operatives. |