"The Courtship Superlative"

Title"The Courtship Superlative"
Year for Search1916
AuthorsSavage, C. MacLean
Secondary TitleAll-Story (New York)
Volume / Edition62.1 - 4
Pagination89-114; 295-319; 458-80; 732-53
Date PublishedSeptember 2 - 23, 1916

Mostly adventure and romance but set in a eugenically oriented future.

Holding Institutions


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1916 Savage, C. MacLean. “The Courtship Superlative.” All-Story (New York) 62.1 – 4 (September 2 - 23, 1916): 89-114, 295-319, 458-80, 732-53. DLC

Mostly adventure and romance but set in a eugenically oriented future.