Title | "Daedalus" |
Year for Search | 2015 |
Authors | Bourke, Niall |
Secondary Title | Holdfast Magazine |
Volume / Edition | no. 6 |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | [2015?] |
Keywords | Irish author, Male author |
Annotation | The story is set in a failing city that is gradually taken over by a sentient computer and creates what the population generally perceive as a better life. |
URL | http://www.holdfastmagazine.com/daedelus-fiction-issue6/4589770052 |
Illustration | Illus. Sylvia Carrus |
Holding Institutions | EJournal |
Author Note | Irish author |
Full Text | [2015?] Bourke, Niall. “Daedalus.” Illus. Sylvia Carrus. Holdfast Magazine, no. 6 ([2015?]). http://www.holdfastmagazine.com/daedelus-fiction-issue6/4589770052 The story is set in a failing city that is gradually taken over by a sentient computer and creates what the population generally perceive as a better life. Irish author. |