Into the Dawn

TitleInto the Dawn
Year for Search1945
AuthorsMcElhiney, Gaile Churchill(1888-1978)
Date Published1945
PublisherDeVorss & Co
Place PublishedLos Angeles, CA
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Eutopia for the spiritually advanced on an isolated island, which can be found only by those who have reached the right stage of consciousness. Vegetarian. Radioactivity in food and drink is believed to be invigorating.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1888-1978).

Full Text

1945 McElhiney, Gaile Churchill (1888-1978). Into the Dawn. Los Angeles, CA: DeVorss & Co. DLC, PSt

Eutopia for the spiritually advanced on an isolated island, which can be found only by those who have reached the right stage of consciousness. Vegetarian. Radioactivity in food and drink is believed to be invigorating.