"The Day They Cut Off the Power"

Title"The Day They Cut Off the Power"
Year for Search1975
AuthorsJohnson, Vera
Secondary AuthorsBulmer, [Henry] Kenneth(1921-2005)
Tertiary AuthorsBulmer, Kenneth
Secondary TitleNew Writings in SF
Volume / Edition (27)
Date Published1975
PublisherSidgwick & Jackson
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsFemale author

Students of every college of the United States of Europe plan a revolt, but all the colleges are closed and turned over to the local governments to use as housing. All education will be by television. Extreme pollution. Neo-Luddites destroying cars and planes.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

1975 Johnson, Vera. “The Day They Cut Off the Power.” New Writings in SF (27). Ed. [Henry] Kenneth Bulmer (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1975), 41-51. Merril, PSt

Students of every college of the United States of Europe plan a revolt, but all the colleges are closed and turned over to the local governments to use as housing. All education will be by television. Extreme pollution. Neo-Luddites destroying cars and planes. Female author.