"Dead to the World"

Title"Dead to the World"
Year for Search1968
AuthorsHargreaves, H[enry] A.(b. 1928)
Secondary AuthorsCarnell, [Edward] John(1912-72)
Tertiary AuthorsHargreaves, H. A., and Carnell, John
Secondary TitleNew Writings in S-F
Volume / Edition11
Date Published1968
PublisherDennis Dobson
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

Dystopian satire. Computer and robot controlled world and the effect on a man whose identity card is accidentally marked deceased.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in New Writings in S-F 8. Ed. [Edward] John Carnell (New York: Bantam Books, 1971), 125-42; and in his North by 2000: A Collection of Canadian Science Fiction (Toronto, ON, Canada: Peter Martin Associates, 1975), 3-15.

Holding Institutions

Can, InU, Merril, PSt

Author Note

Canadian author (b. 1928).

Full Text

1968 Hargreaves, H[enry] A. (b. 1928). “Dead to the World.” New Writings in S-F 11. Ed. [Edward] John Carnell (1912-72) (London: Dennis Dobson, 1968), 141-56. Rpt. in New Writings in S-F 8. Ed. [Edward] John Carnell (1912-72) (New York: Bantam Books, 1971), 125-42; and in his North by 2000: A Collection of Canadian Science Fiction (Toronto, ON, Canada: Peter Martin Associates, 1975), 3-15. Can, InU, Merril, PSt

Dystopian satire. Computer and robot controlled world and the effect on a man whose identity card is accidentally marked deceased. Canadian author.