Democracy at Ease: A New Zealand Profile

TitleDemocracy at Ease: A New Zealand Profile
Year for Search1957
AuthorsGoldblatt, David
Date Published1957
PublisherPall Mall Press
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsMale author

Non-fiction but presents New Zealand throughout as a realized eutopia. Largely glittering generalities but includes some minimal recognition that not everything has worked as designed. Written from the point of view of an outsider. There is an obviously faked picture of the author with "Maori friends".

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1957 Goldblatt, David. Democracy at Ease: A New Zealand Profile. London: Pall Mall Press. VUW

Non-fiction but presents New Zealand throughout as a realized eutopia. Largely glittering generalities but includes some minimal recognition that not everything has worked as designed. Written from the point of view of an outsider. There is an obviously faked picture of the author with “Maori friends”.