The Destructives
Title | The Destructives |
Year for Search | 2016 |
Authors | De Abaitua, Matthew(b. 1971) |
Date Published | 2016 |
Publisher | Angry Robot |
Place Published | Nottingham, Eng. |
Keywords | English author, Male author |
Annotation | Artificial Intelligence has developed and has made humanity passive The novel follows a number of individuals who struggle to learn about the pre-AI past and their own humanity. Connected with 2007 and 2015 De Abaitua and the ending suggests there will be a sequel, but there hasn't been. |
Holding Institutions | PSt |
Author Note | (b. 1971) |
Full Text | 2016 De Abaitua, Matthew (b. 1971). The Destructives. Nottingham, Eng.: Angry Robot. PSt Artificial Intelligence has developed and has made humanity passive The novel follows a number of individuals who struggle to learn about the pre-AI past and their own humanity. Connected with 2007 and 2015 De Abaitua and the ending suggests there will be a sequel, but there hasn't been. |