Title | "Diaspora" |
Year for Search | 2010 |
Authors | Lamb, Paul |
Secondary Title | Crossed Genres |
Volume / Edition | no. 24 |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | November 2010 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | The story is set as a history lesson in which students learn about how a few people escape from the collapsing Earth and the racial conflicts that took place in the process. |
URL | http://crossedgenres.com/archives/024-charactersofcolor/diaspora-by-paul-lamb/ |
Holding Institutions | EJournal |
Full Text | 2010 Lamb, Paul. “Diaspora.” Crossed Genres, no. 24 (November 2010). http://crossedgenres.com/archives/024-charactersofcolor/diaspora-by-paul-lamb/ The story is set as a history lesson in which students learn about how a few people escape from the collapsing Earth and the racial conflicts that took place in the process. |