Title | "Dogsworld" |
Year for Search | 1982 |
Authors | Gotschalk, Felix C[harles] [Jr.](1929-2002) |
Secondary Title | Pig Iron (Youngstown, OH) |
Volume / Edition | no. 10 |
Pagination | 6-18 |
Date Published | 1982 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | The story is told from the point of a dog, with much of it satire aimed at human behavior. But then aliens arrive and ask it about humans, and, in response, they apparently improve the behavior of some of the people and provide a massive infusion of material goods, which initially produces a eutopia but then corrupts them. |
Author Note | (1929-2002) |
Full Text | 1982 Gotschalk, Felix C[harles] (b. 1929). “Dogsworld.” Pig Iron (Youngstown, OH), no. 10 (1982): 6-18. The story is told from the point of a dog, with much of it satire aimed at human behavior. But then aliens arrive and ask it about humans, and, in response, they apparently improve the behavior of some of the people and provide a massive infusion of material goods, which initially produces a eutopia but then corrupts them. |