Doomsday Clock

TitleDoomsday Clock
Year for Search1975
AuthorsBenoist, Elizabeth S.(1901-99)
Date Published1975
PublisherNaylor Co
Place PublishedSan Antonio, TX
KeywordsFemale author, US author

A novel about the build-up to nuclear war and the aftermath of the war. A small group of survivors is shown in an almost eutopian underground shelter. Conflicts develop among them, and they work to return to the surface.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1901-99).

Full Text

1975 Benoist, Elizabeth S. (1901-99). Doomsday Clock. San Antonio, TX: Naylor Co. MoU-St

A novel about the build-up to nuclear war and the aftermath of the war. A small group of survivors is shown in an almost eutopian underground shelter. Conflicts develop among them, and they work to return to the surface. Female author.