The Doors of the Universe
Title | The Doors of the Universe |
Year for Search | 1981 |
Authors | Engdahl, Sylvia [Louise](b. 1933) |
Date Published | 1981 |
Publisher | Atheneum |
Place Published | New York |
Keywords | Female author, US author |
Annotation | Third volume of a trilogy following 1972 and 1973 Engdahl. In this volume, the protagonist of the first two still doubts his ability to solve the problems his culture faces, but he ultimately succeeds. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. with minor revisions in Children of the Star (Atlanta, GA: Meisha Merlin, 2000), 423-717 together with 1972 and 1973 Engdahl, with an “Afterword” to the Collection (719-21), in which she notes that this volume was intended for adults, and “Sylvia Engdahl Biography” ([723-24]). |
Holding Institutions | Public |
Author Note | Female author (b. 1933) |
Full Text | 1981 Engdahl, Sylvia Louise (b. 1933). The Doors of the Universe. New York: Atheneum. Rpt. with minor revisions in Children of the Star (Atlanta, GA: Meisha Merlin, 2000), 423-717 together with 1972 and 1973 Engdahl, with an “Afterword” to the Collection (719-21), in which she notes that this volume was intended for adults, and “Sylvia Engdahl Biography” ([723-24]). Public Third volume of a trilogy following 1972 and 1973 Engdahl. In this volume, the protagonist of the first two still doubts his ability to solve the problems his culture faces, but he ultimately succeeds. Female author. |