"A Dream of John Ball"

Title"A Dream of John Ball"
Year for Search1958
AuthorsFairburn, A[rthur] R[ex] D[ugard](1904-1957), and Glover, Denis [James Matthews](1912-80)
Secondary AuthorsCannibal, Dorothy Editor
Tertiary AuthorsFairburn, A. R. D.
Secondary TitlePoetry Harbinger: Introducing A.R.D. Fairburn (6 foot 3) and Denis Glover (11 stone 7)
Date Published1958
PublisherPilgrim Press
Place PublishedAuckland, New Zealand
KeywordsAotearoa New Zealand author, Male author

Satire but depicting a populist eutopia. John Ball (ca. 1338-81) was a priest who was involved in the in the Peasant's Revolt of 1381.

Info Notes

Parts of this poem were written by Denis Glover. Not included in Fairburn's Collected Poems.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Aotearoa/New Zealand author (1904-1957). Parts of the poem were written by Denis [James Matthews]  Glover (1912-80).

Full Text

1958 Fairburn, A[rthur] R[ex] D[ugard] (1904-1957). “A Dream of John Ball.” Poetry Harbinger: introducing A.R.D. Fairburn (6 foot 3) and Denis Glover (11 stone 7). [On cover Ed. Dorothy Cannibal] (Auckland, New Zealand: Pilgrim Press, 1958), 17-18. Parts of this poem were written by Denis [James Matthews] Glover (1912-80). Not included in Fairburn’s Collected Poems. VUW

Satire but depicting a populist eutopia. John Ball (ca. 1338-81) was a priest who was involved in the in the Peasant's Revolt of 1381. See 1886-87 Morris for another eutopia focusing on Ball. Aotearoa/New Zealand author.