Dydeetown World

TitleDydeetown World
Year for Search1989
AuthorsWilson, F[rancis] Paul(b. 1946)
Tertiary AuthorsWilson, F. Paul
Date Published1989
PublisherBaen Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Violent dystopia with very strict population control. People are generally illiterate. A volume in a series set in the so-called LaNague Federation; see his Healer (1976). Three non-utopian sequels are “Wheels Within Wheels.” Analog Science Fiction--Science Fact 88.1 (September 1971): 8-49; rev. as Wheels Within Wheels: A Novel of the LaNague Federation. New York: Doubleday, 1978; U.K. ed. London: Sidgewick and Jackson, 1980; rev. ed. Akron, OH: infrapress, 2005, with the addition of “Preface to Wheels Within Wheels (v-vii) and two stories: “Higher Centers” (187-99) [rev. from its original publication illus. Vincent Di Fate in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.2 (April 1971): 149-60]; and “The Man With the Anteater” (201-11) [rev. from its original publication illus. Kelly Freas in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.5 (July 1971): 57-66]; An Enemy of the State [cover adds the subtitle A Novel of the La Nague Federation]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980. Rpt. New York: Berkley, 1984; rev. ed. Akron, OH: infrapress, 2001, with a “Preface” (i-iii) and the addition of two stories: “Ratman” (281-98) [originally published illus. Vincent Di Fate in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.6 (August 1971): 149-64]; and “Lipidleggin’” (299-307)[originally published in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 2.4 (7) (May-June 1978): 137-45]; and The Tery. New York: Baen Books, 1990. The Complete LaNague (Kindle, 2013) contains all the material.

Additional Publishers

Parts were previously published as "Kids." New Destinies 7 (Spring 1989). Ed. Jim Baen (New York: Baen Books, 1989), 229-87; and "Dydeetown Girl." Far Frontiers 4 (Winter 1985). Ed. Jerry Pournelle [Eugene] and Jim Baen (New York: Baen Books, 1985), 9-69. 

Info Notes

Three non-utopian sequels are “Wheels Within Wheels.” Analog Science Fiction--Science Fact 88.1 (September 1971): 8-49; rev. as Wheels Within Wheels: A Novel of the LaNague Federation. New York: Doubleday, 1978; U.K. ed. London: Sidgewick and Jackson, 1980; rev. ed. Akron, OH: infrapress, 2005, with the addition of “Preface to Wheels Within Wheels (v-vii) and two stories: “Higher Centers” (187-99) [rev. from its original publication illus. Vincent Di Fate in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.2 (April 1971): 149-60]; and “The Man With the Anteater” (201-11) [rev. from its original publication illus. Kelly Freas in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.5 (July 1971): 57-66]; An Enemy of the State [cover adds the subtitle A Novel of the La Nague Federation]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980. Rpt. New York: Berkley, 1984; rev. ed. Akron, OH: infrapress, 2001, with a “Preface” (i-iii) and the addition of two stories: “Ratman” (281-98) [originally published illus. Vincent Di Fate in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.6 (August 1971): 149-64]; and “Lipidlrggin’” (299-307 [originally published in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 2.4 (7) (May-June 1978): 137-45]; and The Tery. New York: Baen Books, 1990.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (b. 1946) is a medical doctor.

Full Text

1989 Wilson, F[rancis] Paul (b. 1946). Dydeetown World. New York: Baen Books. Parts were previously published as “Kids.” New Destinies 7 (Spring 1989). Ed. Jim Baen (New York: Baen Books, 1989), 229-87; and “Dydeetown Girl.” Far Frontiers 4 (Winter 1985). Ed. Jerry Pournelle [Eugene] (1933-2017) and Jim Baen (New York: Baen Books, 1985), 9-69. MoU-St

Violent dystopia with very strict population control. People are generally illiterate. A volume in a series set in the so-called LaNague Federation; see his Healer (1976). Three non-utopian sequels are “Wheels Within Wheels.” Analog Science Fiction--Science Fact 88.1 (September 1971): 8-49; rev. as Wheels Within Wheels: A Novel of the LaNague Federation. New York: Doubleday, 1978; U.K. ed. London: Sidgewick and Jackson, 1980; rev. ed. Akron, OH: infrapress, 2005, with the addition of “Preface to Wheels Within Wheels (v-vii) and two stories: “Higher Centers” (187-99) [rev. from its original publication illus. Vincent Di Fate in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.2 (April 1971): 149-60]; and “The Man With the Anteater” (201-11) [rev. from its original publication illus. Kelly Freas in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.5 (July 1971): 57-66]; An Enemy of the State [cover adds the subtitle A Novel of the La Nague Federation]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980. Rpt. New York: Berkley, 1984; rev. ed. Akron, OH: infrapress, 2001, with a “Preface” (i-iii) and the addition of two stories: “Ratman” (281-98) [originally published illus. Vincent Di Fate in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 87.6 (August 1971): 149-64]; and “Lipidleggin’” (299-307) [originally published in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 2.4 (7) (May-June 1978): 137-45]; and The Tery. New York: Baen Books, 1990. The Complete LaNague (Kindle, 2013) contains all the material.