"Each Prisoner Pent"

Title"Each Prisoner Pent"
Year for Search1985
AuthorsKnight, Damon [Francis](1922-2002)
Secondary TitleStardate
Volume / Edition no. 8 (1.8)
Pagination6-7, 46
Date PublishedOctober 1985
KeywordsMale author, US author

Satire on the costs of incarceration in which criminals are given minor punishments together with degrees of support depending on their crime because it is cheaper to provide a lavish life outside jail than to imprison people. Jails are turned over to artists, authors, and poets.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his One Side Laughing: Stories Unlike Other Stories (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991), 76-80.

Author Note


Full Text

1985 Knight, Damon [Francis] (1922-2002). “Each Prisoner Pent.” Stardate, no. 8 (1.8) (October 1985): 6-7, 46. Rpt. in his One Side Laughing: Stories Unlike Other Stories (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991), 76-80.

Satire on the costs of incarceration in which criminals are given minor punishments together with degrees of support depending on their crime because it is cheaper to provide a lavish life outside jail than to imprison people. Jails are turned over to artists, authors, and poets.