Egoland. Recorded by Emily Loweman. Transmitted through her Father by Camille Flammarion

TitleEgoland. Recorded by Emily Loweman. Transmitted through her Father by Camille Flammarion
Year for Search1932
AuthorsLoweman, Emily
Date Published1932
PublisherRider & Co
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsFemale author

Purports to be a report back after death by [Nicolas] Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) describing a remarkably uninteresting heaven as eutopia.

Full Text

1932 Loweman, Emily. Egoland. Recorded by Emily Loweman. Transmitted through her Father by Camille Flammarion. London: Rider & Co.

Purports to be a report back after death by [Nicolas] Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) describing a remarkably uninteresting heaven as eutopia. Female author.