"An Elder Womon's Tale from the Year 2000"

Title"An Elder Womon's Tale from the Year 2000"
Year for Search1977
AuthorsSundance, Bonnie
Secondary TitleWomanspirit (Portland, OR)
Volume / Edition3.11
Date PublishedSpring Equinox 1977
KeywordsFemale author

Short feminist eutopia tracing the first years of a "womyn's" community as told by a community elder.

Full Text

1977 Sundance, Bonnie. “An Elder Womon’s Tale from the Year 2000.” Womanspirit (Portland, OR) 3.11 (Spring Equinox 1977): 6-7.

Short feminist eutopia tracing the first years of a “womyn’s” community as told by a community elder. Female author.