"Elf Hill"

Title"Elf Hill"
Year for Search1982
AuthorsRuss, Joanna [Ruth](1937-2011)
Secondary TitleThe Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Volume / Edition63.5 (378)
Date PublishedNovember 1982
ISSN Number00024-984X
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Overpopulation dystopia depicting the Sunset Estates retirement home that has twenty million retirees who each get a huge apartment with all the amenities, but there is only one apartment that is shared by all twenty million. This is achieved through the manipulation of space and time, and the home is actually run down and dirty. Other retirement homes, like Happihomes, only provide a bunk. Another is named Endfun, which makes the point. Female author.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in her The Hidden Side of the Moon. Stories (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987), 112-23.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1937-2011)

Full Text

1982 Russ, Joanna [Ruth] (1937-2011). “Elf Hill.” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 63.5 (378) (November 1982): 151-59. Rpt. in her The Hidden Side of the Moon. Stories (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987), 112-23. PSt

Overpopulation dystopia depicting the Sunset Estates retirement home that has twenty million retirees who each get a huge apartment with all the amenities, but there is only one apartment that is shared by all twenty million. This is achieved through the manipulation of space and time, and the home is actually run down and dirty. Other retirement homes, like Happihomes, only provide a bunk. Another is named Endfun, which makes the point. Female author.