
Year for Search1990
AuthorsO'Brien, Mary(1926-1998)
Secondary TitleIssues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering: Journal of International Feminist Analysis
Volume / Edition3.2
Date Published1990
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

Post-nuclear war genetic engineering dystopia in which few women are born, and heterosexuality has been declared obsolete and is discouraged (138). Intent is a completely rational society. The protagonist, Elly, is a LT (Last Error), so called because she was born with brown skin, and her reproductive organs had been removed. Her one friend, Bessie, was engineered for a low I.G., but no more like her were created because too many were cunning and “cunning was the antithesis of intelligence” (137). The goal is “Total-tech repro” (140).

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Angels of Power and other reproductive creations. Ed. Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein (West Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Spinifex Press, 1991), 150-58.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian female author (1926-1998)

Full Text

1990 O’Brien, Mary (1926-1998). “Elly.” Issues in Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 3.2 (1990):137-41. Rpt. in Angels of Power and other reproductive creations. Ed. Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein (West Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Spinifex Press, 1991), 150-58. PSt

Post-nuclear war genetic engineering dystopia in which few women are born, and heterosexuality has been declared obsolete and is discouraged (138). Intent is a completely rational society. The protagonist, Elly, is a LT (Last Error), so called because she was born with brown skin, and her reproductive organs had been removed. Her one friend, Bessie, was engineered for a low I.G., but no more like her were created because too many were cunning and “cunning was the antithesis of intelligence” (137). The goal is “Total-tech repro” (140). Canadian female author.