"The Emperor"
Title | "The Emperor" |
Year for Search | 2005 |
Authors | Shepard, Lucius [Taylor](1943-2014) |
Secondary Title | Scifiction |
Date Published | 2005 |
ISBN Number | 978-848630-35-2 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | Dystopia. Corporate destruction of the environment. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. in his Viator Plus (Hornsea, Eng.: PS Publishing, 2009), 3-63. |
URL | www.scifi.com/scifiction/ Posted December 14, 2005. No longer available on line. |
Author Note | At times the author (1943-2014) said he was born in 1947, but he was actually born in 1943. |
Full Text | 2005 Shepard, Lucius [Taylor] (1943-2014). “The Emperor.” Scifiction www.scifi.com/scifiction/ Posted Dystopia. Corporate destruction of the environment. At times the author said he was born in 1947, but he was actually born in 1943. |