Escape to the Wind

TitleEscape to the Wind
Year for Search1993
AuthorsDiMarco, Jennifer(b. 1973)
Date Published1993
PublisherCastillo International
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Dystopia of a patriarchal dictatorship with lesbian themes. The author was nineteen at the time of publication. A sequel, Fall Through the Sky. Radnor, OH: Pride Publications, 1997 expands the action to the surrounding area. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The female author (b. 1973) was nineteen at the time of publication.

Full Text

1993 DiMarco, Jennifer (b. 1973). Escape to the Wind. New York: Castillo International. DLC, PSt

Dystopia of a patriarchal dictatorship with lesbian themes. The author was nineteen at the time of publication. A sequel, Fall Through the Sky. Radnor, OH: Pride Publications, 1997 expands the action to the surrounding area. Female author.