"The Exit Door Leads In"

Title"The Exit Door Leads In"
Year for Search1979
AuthorsDick, Philip K[indred](1928-82)
Secondary TitleRolling Stone College Papers
Volume / Edition no. 1
Pagination45-47, 49-51
Date PublishedFall 1979
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia of a society controlled by robots and an attempt to reform it through a college that is trying to encourage rebellion against all authority.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Robots, Androids, and Mechanical Oddities: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick. Ed. Patricia S. Warrick and Martin H[arry] Greenberg (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984), 229-45; and in The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Volume 5 The Little Black Box (Los Angeles, CA/Columbia, PA: Underwood/Miller, 1987), 315-31. The paperback edition has it in The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Volume 5 The Eye of the Sibyl (New York: Citadel Twilight, 1992), 315-31.

Holding Institutions

Merril, MoU-St

Author Note


Full Text

1979 Dick, Philip K[indred] (1928-82). “The Exit Door Leads In.” Rolling Stone College Papers, no. 1 (Fall 1979): 45-47, 49-51. Rpt. in Robots, Androids, and Mechanical Oddities: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick. Ed. Patricia S. Warrick and Martin H[arry] Greenberg (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984), 229-45; and in The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Volume 5 The Little Black Box (Los Angeles, CA/Columbia, PA: Underwood/Miller, 1987), 315-31. The paperback edition has it in The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Volume 5 The Eye of the Sibyl (New York: Citadel Twilight, 1992), 315-31. Merril, MoU-St

Dystopia of a society controlled by robots and an attempt to reform it through a college that is trying to encourage rebellion against all authority.