The Far Side of Evil

TitleThe Far Side of Evil
Year for Search1971
AuthorsEngdahl, Sylvia [Louise](b. 1933)
Date Published1971
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Young adult novel in which a planet has reached the stage in which they are likely to annihilate itself with nuclear weapons. The same protagonist as and called a sequel to 1970 in Engdahl, although in her “Afterword” to the 2003 edition, the author says this work is aimed at an older audience.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Illus. Richard Cuffari. New York: Collier, 1989; and Illus. Jody Hewgill. New York: Walker, 2003, with an “Afterword” by the author (321-24). U.K. ed. London: Gollancz, 1975. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (b. 1970)

Full Text

1971 Engdahl, Sylvia Louise (b. 1933). The Far Side of Evil. New York: Athenaeum. Rpt. Illus. Richard Cuffari. New York: Collier, 1989; and Illus. Jody Hewgill. New York: Walker, 2003, with an “Afterword” by the author (321-24). U.K. ed. London: Gollancz, 1975.

Young adult novel in which a planet has reached the stage in which they are likely to annihilate itself with nuclear weapons. The same protagonist as and called a sequel to 1970 in Engdahl, although in her “Afterword” to the 2003 edition, the author says this work is aimed at an older audience. Female author.