"Fast New World"
Title | "Fast New World" |
Year for Search | 1940 |
Authors | Langer, Dr. R. M |
Secondary Title | Collier's (New York) |
Volume / Edition | 106.1 |
Pagination | 18-19, 54-55 |
Date Published | July 6, 1940 |
Annotation | A short eutopia based on atomic power, which will provide free energy. People will live underground, and the natural world will be revived. Stress on transportation. A similar article solely on the technical side is the author's "The Miracle of U-235." Popular Mechanics 75.1 (January 1941): 1-5, 149-50. |
Author Note | The author was a physicist. |
Full Text | 1940 Langer, Dr. R.M. “Fast A short eutopia based on atomic power, which will provide free energy. People will live underground, and the natural world will be revived. Stress on transportation. A similar article solely on the technical side is the author’s “The Miracle of U-235.” Popular Mechanics (Chicago, IL) 75.1 (January 1941): 1-5, 149-50. The author was a physicist. |