"The Fear of It"

Title"The Fear of It"
Year for Search1893
AuthorsBarr, Robert(1850-1912)
Secondary TitleThe Idler Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly
Volume / Edition 3.4
Date PublishedMay 1893
KeywordsCanadian author, English author, Male author, US author

Story describing a religious community that believes so deeply in heaven that it welcomes death. Simple, austere life.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his The Face and the Mask (London: Hutchinson, 1894), 30-40. U.S. ed. (New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1895), 25-33.


Illus. A. S. Boyd

Holding Institutions

C, Can, PSt

Author Note

The author was born in Scotland, raised in Canada from age four, lived briefly in the U.S., and moved to England in 1881.

Full Text

1893 Barr, Robert (1850-1912). “The Fear of It.” Illus. A. S. Boyd. The Idler Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly 3.4 (May 1893): 422-29. Rpt. in his The Face and the Mask (London: Hutchinson, 1894), 30-40. U.S. ed. (New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1895), 25-33. C, Can, PSt

Story describing a religious community that believes so deeply in heaven that it welcomes death. Simple, austere life. The author was born in Scotland, raised in Canada from age four, lived briefly in the U.S., and moved to England in 1881.