Feral City

TitleFeral City
Year for Search1992
AuthorsScott, Rosie [Judy Rosemary](b. 1948)
Date Published1992
PublisherWilliam Heinemann Australia
Place PublishedPort Melbourne, VIC, Australia
KeywordsAotearoa New Zealand author, Australian author, Female author

Future dystopia of violence and poverty set in Auckland, New Zealand, brought about by government policies that undid the welfare system and turned New Zealand over to government by big business. Thousands of homeless are living in the inner city. Libraries were privatized and then closed. Although one of them is killed, two sisters become the center of a small amount of hope by opening a bookstore in the center of the ruins.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Auckland, New Zealand: Reed Books, 1992; and Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Minerva, [1993].

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (b. 1948) was born in Aotearoa/New Zealand and has also lived in Australia.

Full Text

1992 Scott, Rosie [Judy Rosemary] (b. 1948). Feral City. Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia: William Heinemann Australia. Rpt. Auckland, New Zealand: Reed Books, 1992; and Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Minerva, [1993]. ATL, VUW

Future dystopia of violence and poverty set in Auckland, New Zealand, brought about by government policies that undid the welfare system and turned New Zealand over to government by big business. Thousands of homeless are living in the inner city. Libraries were privatized and then closed. Although one of them is killed, two sisters become the center of a small amount of hope by opening a bookstore in the center of the ruins. The female author was born in Aotearoa/New Zealand and has also lived in Australia.