"Fifth Voyage of Captain Lemuel Gulliver, Sometime of Nottinghamshire"

Title"Fifth Voyage of Captain Lemuel Gulliver, Sometime of Nottinghamshire"
Year for Search1873
AuthorsCollins, [Edward John] Mortimer(1827-76)
Tertiary AuthorsCollins, Mortimer
Secondary TitleSquire Silchester's Whim
Volume / Edition3 vols.
Pagination1: 49-64
Date Published1873
PublisherHenry S. King and Co.
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Satire. In Amazonia men are slaves and even dogs are considered superior to men. Women had left England after men had concluded that men were superior to women. Common stores. No money.

Title Note

Running head "Gulliver in Amazonia"

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1873 Collins, [Edward John] Mortimer (1827-76). “Fifth Voyage of Captain Lemuel Gulliver, Sometime of Nottinghamshire [Running head ‘Gulliver in Amazonia’].” In his Squire Silchester’s Whim. 3 vols. (London: Henry S. King and Co., 1873), 2: 49-64. L, LLL

Satire. In Amazonia men are slaves and even dogs are considered superior to men. Women had left England after men had concluded that men were superior to women. Common stores. No money.