"Fly Away, Peter"

Title"Fly Away, Peter"
Year for Search2017
AuthorsHocking, Ian(b. 1976)
Secondary AuthorsSandison, George
Secondary Title2084
Date Published2017
PublisherUnsung Stories/Red Squirrel Publishing
Place PublishedLondon
ISBN Number9781907389580
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Dystopia in which Germany has become isolated from the rest of Europe and rejects all outsiders. 

Info Notes

The stories are supposed to be predictions regarding the world fifty years after Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1976)

Full Text

2017 Hocking, Ian (b. 1976). “Fly Away, Peter.” 2084. Ed. George Sandison (London: Unsung Stories/Red Squirrel Publishing, 2017), 53-73. PSt

Dystopia in which Germany has become isolated from the rest of Europe and rejects all outsiders. The stories are supposed to be predictions regarding the world fifty years after Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. The author holds a doctorate in psycholinguistics from the University of Exeter and is Senior Lecturer of Psychology at Canterbury Christ Church University.