This Former President: Science Fiction as Retrospective Retrorocket Jettisons of Trump

TitleThis Former President: Science Fiction as Retrospective Retrorocket Jettisons of Trump
Year for Search2023
AuthorsBarr, Marleen S[andra](b. 1953)
Pagination261 pp.
Date Published2023
PublisherDark Helix
Place PublishedNp
ISBN Number978-1-988416-44-1
KeywordsFemale author, US author

A collection of humorous mostly very short stories depicting Trump, his supports, and the then contemporary situation in the U.S.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (b. 1953)

Full Text

2023 Barr, Marleen S[andra] (b. 1953). This Former President: Science Fiction as Retrospective Retrorocket Jettisons of Trump. Np: Dark Helix Press. 261 pp. PSt

A collection of humorous mostly very short stories depicting Trump, his supports, and the then contemporary situation in the U.S. Female author.