"Founder's Day"

Title"Founder's Day"
Year for Search1966
AuthorsLaumer, [John] Keith(1925-93)
Tertiary AuthorsLaumer, Keith
Secondary TitleThe Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Volume / Edition31.1 (182)
Date PublishedJuly 1966
ISSN Number00024-984X
KeywordsMale author, US author

The story begins in an overpopulation dystopia and ends with the founding of a new colony.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in his Future Imperfect. Ed. Eric Flint (New York: Baen, 2003), 188-212.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1966 Laumer, [John] Keith (1925-93). “Founder’s Day.” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction 31.1 (182) (July 1966): 5-25. Rpt. in his Future Imperfect. Ed. Eric Flint (New York: Baen, 2003), 188-212. Merril, PSt

The story begins in an overpopulation dystopia and ends with the founding of a new colony.