Friends Come in Boxes

TitleFriends Come in Boxes
Year for Search1973
AuthorsConey, Michael G[reatrex](1932-2005)
Date Published1973
PublisherDAW Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsCanadian author, English author, Male author

Authoritarian dystopia with control of access to immortality. The dystopia that is produced by an usual means of achieving immortality that requires the brains of the immortals to be kept in boxes until the body of a baby is available to receive it. But, with immortality available, few babies are born. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (1932-2005) was born in England and moved to Canada in 1973.

Full Text

1973 Coney, Michael G[reatrex] (1932-2005). Friends Come in Boxes. New York: DAW Books. PSt

Authoritarian dystopia with control of access to immortality. The dystopia that is produced by an usual means of achieving immortality that requires the brains of the immortals to be kept in boxes until the body of a baby is available to receive it. But, with immortality available, few babies are born. The author was born in Britain and moved to Canada in 1973.