The Gamekeeper's Night Dog

TitleThe Gamekeeper's Night Dog
Year for Search2001
AuthorsPutnam, Dave
Date Published2001
PublisherBulldog Press
Place PublishedWoodside, CA
KeywordsMale author

First volume in an alternative history series in which Britain wins the Boer War, which sets the stage for the development of the dystopia in the later volumes. The first three volumes constitute his Gamekeeper Trilogy. In the second volume, The World War. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press, 2004, Britain invades Germany, Russia and other countries. In the third volume, 10 Downing Street. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press, 2004, Britain dominates the world, but there is a conflict between monopoly capitalism and communism. Britain Uber Alles. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press, 2006, the fourth volume, is a sequel to the trilogy set in the twenty-eighth century. Britain has dominated the world for centuries but war looms again. It ends with “To Be Continued,” but there is no evidence that it was.

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Full Text

2001 Putnam, Dave. The Gamekeeper’s Night Dog. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press. PSt

First volume in an alternative history series in which Britain wins the Boer War, which sets the stage for the development of the dystopia in the later volumes. The first three volumes constitute his Gamekeeper Trilogy. In the second volume, The World War. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press, 2004, Britain invades Germany, Russia and other countries. In the third volume, 10 Downing Street. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press, 2004, Britain dominates the world, but there is a conflict between monopoly capitalism and communism. Britain Uber Alles. Woodside, CA: Bulldog Press, 2006, the fourth volume, is a sequel to the trilogy set in the twenty-eighth century. Britain has dominated the world for centuries but war looms again. It ends with “To Be Continued,” but there is no evidence that it was.