"The Gift of Nothing"

Title"The Gift of Nothing"
Year for Search1972
AuthorsHolly, Joan C[arol Hunter](1932-82)
Secondary AuthorsElwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007)
Secondary Titleand walk now gently through the fire and other science fiction stories
Date Published1972
PublisherChilton Books Co.
Place PublishedPhiladelphia, PA
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Eutopia. A planet is being opened up to colonization, which will destroy the existing society, which is presented as a eutopia paralleling those of traditional Native American Indians.

Additional Publishers

[Science Fiction Book Club ed.] (Philadelphia, PA: Chilton Books Co., 1972), 57-95.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1932-82).

Full Text

1972 Holly, Joan C[arol Hunter] (1932-82). “The Gift of Nothing.” and walk now gently through the fire and other science fiction stories. Ed. Roger [Paul] Elwood (Philadelphia, PA: Chilton Books Co., 1972), 59-99. [Science Fiction Book Club ed.] (Philadelphia, PA: Chilton Books Co., 1972), 57-95. PSt

Eutopia. A planet is being opened up to colonization. This will destroy the existing society, which is presented as a eutopia paralleling the traditional societies of Native American Indians. Female author.