Glimpses of Utopia: Real Ideas for a Fairer World

TitleGlimpses of Utopia: Real Ideas for a Fairer World
Year for Search2020
AuthorsScully, Jess
Pagination479 pp.
Date Published2020
PublisherPentera Press
Place PublishedSeaforth, NSW, Australia
ISBN Number978192570089
KeywordsAustralian author, Female author

In one sense this is a straightforward political book, but the author presents her arguments by discussing all the things she thinks need to be done to bring about a good society. A Universal Basic Income and cooperatives are fundamental but in sixty mostly short chapters, she covers a lot of ground.

Author Note

Australian female author

Full Text

2020 Scully, Jess. Glimpses of Utopia: Real Ideas for a Fairer World. Seaforth, NSW, Australia: Pantera Press. 479 pp.  

In one sense this is a straightforward political book, but the author presents her arguments by discussing all the things she thinks need to be done to bring about a good society. A Universal Basic Income and cooperatives are fundamental but in sixty mostly short chapters, she covers a lot of ground. The Australian female author is a curator and Sydney city Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Sydney.