The Governor-General

TitleThe Governor-General
Year for Search1976
AuthorsForsyth, Christopher [John Douglass](b. 1939)
Date Published1976
PublisherWidescope International Publishers
Place PublishedCamberwell, VIC, Australia
KeywordsAustralian author, Male author

Dystopia. Authoritarian dictatorship in Australia in the form of a political novel describing conflicts within the Labour Party, the seizure of power by the Governor-General, and interference by the United States government.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Australian author (b. 1939).

Full Text

1976 Forsyth, Christopher [John Douglass] (b. 1939). The Governor-General. Camberwell, VIC, Australia: Widescope International Publishers. NZ

Dystopia of an authoritarian dictatorship in Australia in the form of a political novel describing conflicts within the Labour Party, the seizure of power by the Governor-General, and interference by the United States government. Australian author.