The Great State: Essays in Construction

TitleThe Great State: Essays in Construction
Year for Search1912
Secondary Authors[Warwick], [Francis Evelyn](1861-1938), Taylor, G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling], and Wells, H[erbert] G[eorge](1866-1946)
Tertiary AuthorsChiozza Money, L[eo] G[eorge], Lankaster, E. Ray, Bond, C[harles] J[ohn], Haynes, E[dmund] S[idney] P[ollock](1877-1949), Chesterton, Cecil [Edward](1879-1918), Hamilton, Cicely [Mary](1875-1952), Fry, Roger, Taylor, G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling], Noel, Conrad [le Despenser Roden](1869-1942), Trench, Herbert, Vowles, Hugh P., Wells, H[erbert] G[eorge](1866-1946), Warwick, Francis Evelyn(1861-1938), Chiozza Money, L. G., Bond, C. J., Haynes, E. S. P., Taylor, G. R. S., and Wells, H. G.
Date Published1912
PublisherHarper and Bros
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author, Male author

Essays by different authors describing aspects of a future eutopia. While they were written for this volume, they do not all agree with each other.

Additional Publishers

US ed. as Socialism and the Great State: Essays in Construction. New York: Harper & Bros., 1912. Includes H[erbert] G[eorge] Wells, "The Past and the Great State" (1-46), also published as "Socialism." Harper's Magazine 124.740 - 741 (January - February 1912): 197-204, 403-09; and as "The Great State." In his An Englishman Looks at the World: Being a Series of Unrestrained Remarks upon Contemporary Matters (London: Cassell and Co., 1914), 95-131; rpt. in The Works of H.G. Wells Atlantic Edition. Volume XVIII The Passionate Friends A Novel and Three Essays (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926), 405-44. [Wells published many other utopias; see the Author Index for a list]; The Countess of Warwick (Frances Evelyn Warwick), "The Great State and the Country-side" (47-66), also published in The Fortnightly Review, ns 91 (March 1, 1912): 427-36; L[eo] G[eorge] Chiozza Money, "Work in the Great State" (67-119); Ray Lankester, "The Making of New Knowledge" (121-39); C[harles] J[ohn] Bond, "Health and Healing in the Great State" (141-80); E[dmund] S[idney] P[ollock] Haynes, "Law and the Great State" (181-94); Cecil Chesterton, "Democracy and the Great State" (195-218); Cicely [Mary] Hamilton, "Women in the Great State" (219-47); Roger Fry, "The Artist in the Great State" (249-72); G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling] Taylor, "The Present Development of the Great State" (273-99); Conrad Noel, "A Picture of the Church in the Great State" (301-23), which, as fiction, is separately listed in this bibliography; Herbert Trench, "The Growth of the Great State" (325-56); and Hugh P. Vowles, "The Tradition of the Great State" (357-78).

Holding Institutions


Author Note

By H[erbert] G[eorge] Wells (1866-1946), Francis Evelyn Warwick (1861-1938), L[eo] G[eorge] Chiozza Money, E. Ray Lankaster, C[harles] J[ohn] Bond, E[dmund] S[idney] P[ollock] Haynes (1877-1949), Cecil Chesterton, Cicely [Mary] Hamilton (1875-1952), Roger Fry, G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling] Taylor, Conrad Noel, Herbert Trench, Hugh P. Vowles.

Full Text

1912 [Warwick, Francis Evelyn (1861-1938); G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling] Taylor; and H.G. Wells (1866-1946), eds.]. The Great State: Essays in Construction. By H[erbert] G[eorge] Wells (1866-1946), Francis Evelyn Warwick (1861-1938), L[eo] G[eorge] Chiozza Money, E. Ray Lankaster, C[harles] J[ohn] Bond, E[dmund] S[idney] P[ollock] Haynes (1877-1949), Cecil Chesterton, Cicely [Mary] Hamilton (1875-1952), Roger Fry, G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling] Taylor, Conrad Noel, Herbert Trench, Hugh P. Vowles. London: Harper and Bros. U.S. ed. with the same pagination as Socialism and the Great State: Essays in Construction. New York: Harper & Bros., 1912. Includes H[erbert] G[eorge] Wells, “The Past and the Great State” (1-46), also published as “Socialism.” Harper’s Magazine 124.740 - 741 (January - February 1912): 197-204, 403-09; and as “The Great State.” In his An Englishman Looks at the World: Being a Series of Unrestrained Remarks upon Contemporary Matters (London: Cassell and Co., 1914), 95-131; U.S. ed. as Social Forces in England and America (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1914), 112-54; rpt. in The Works of H.G. Wells Atlantic Edition. Volume XVIII The Passionate Friends. A Novel and Three Essays (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1926), 405-44. [Wells published many other utopias; see the Author Index for a list]; The Countess of Warwick (Frances Evelyn Warwick), “The Great State and the Country-side” (47-66), also published in The Fortnightly Review, ns 91 (March 1, 1912): 427-36; L[eo] G[eorge] Chiozza Money, “Work in the Great State” (67-119); Ray Lankester, “The Making of New Knowledge” (121-39); C[harles] J[ohn] Bond, “Health and Healing in the Great State” (141-80); E[dmund] S[idney] P[ollock] Haynes, “Law and the Great State” (181-94); Cecil Chesterton, “Democracy and the Great State” (195-218); Cicely [Mary] Hamilton, “Women in the Great State” (219-47); Roger Fry, “The Artist in the Great State” (249-72); G[eorge] R[obert] S[tirling] Taylor, “The Present Development of the Great State” (273-99); Conrad Noel, “A Picture of the Church in the Great State” (301-23), which, as fiction, is separately listed in this bibliography; Herbert Trench, “The Growth of the Great State” (325-56); and Hugh P. Vowles, “The Tradition of the Great State” (357-78). LLL, PSt, TxU

Essays by different authors describing aspects of a future eutopia. While they were written for this volume, they do not all agree with each other. Includes female authors.