"Green Witch"

Title"Green Witch"
Year for Search2021
AuthorsTownsend, Katrina
Secondary TitleXR WORDSMITHS Solarpunk Storytelling Contest
Date Published2021
KeywordsFemale author

A brief story about the joys of life in contact with nature after the recovery from environmental devastation.

Info Notes

The story was one of the five in the runner up category of XR’s 2021 Solarpunk Storytelling Showcase.

Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2021 Townsend, Katrina. “Green Witch.” XR WORDSMITHS Solarpunk Storytelling Contest. http://www.solarpunkstorytelling.com/stories/green-witch/

A brief story about the joys of life in contact with nature after the recovery from environmental devastation. The story was one of the five in the runner up category of XR’s 2021 Solarpunk Storytelling Showcase. Female author.