Half a Crown

TitleHalf a Crown
Year for Search2008
AuthorsWalton, Jo(b. 1964)
Date Published2008
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author, Welsh author

Sequel to 2006 and 2007 Walton. In this volume, the conspiracy to free England begins to succeed. A story set in the same future is her “Escape to Other Worlds With Science Fiction.” Tor.com Posted February 6, 2009. https://www.tor.com/2009/02/06/escape-to-other-worlds-with-science-fiction/ Rpt. in Twenty-First Century Science Fiction. Ed. David G. Hartwell and Patrick Nielsen Hayden (New York: Tor, 2013), 523-30; and in her Starlings (San Francisco, CA: Tachyon, 2018), 102-13, which depicts alternative future dystopia in which, among other things, the depression continues, the New Deal had failed, Jews are being hunted in the U.S., and an atomic bomb has been dropped on Miami. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian female author (b. 1964) who was born and raised in Wales.

Full Text

2008 Walton, Jo (b. 1964). Half a Crown. New York: Tor. Merril

Sequel to 2006 and 2007 Walton. In this volume, the conspiracy to free England begins to succeed. A story set in the same future is her “Escape to Other Worlds With Science Fiction.” Tor.com Posted February 6, 2009. https://www.tor.com/2009/02/06/escape-to-other-worlds-with-science-fiction/ Rpt. in Twenty-First Century Science Fiction. Ed. David G. Hartwell and Patrick Nielsen Hayden (New York: Tor, 2013), 523-30; and in her Starlings (San Francisco, CA: Tachyon, 2018), 102-13, which depicts alternative future dystopia in which, among other things, the depression continues, the New Deal had failed, Jews are being hunted in the U.S., and an atomic bomb has been dropped on Miami. Canadian female author who was born and raised in Wales.