Hocus Pocus, Or What's the Hurry Son?

TitleHocus Pocus, Or What's the Hurry Son?
Year for Search1990
AuthorsVonnegut, Kurt Jr.(1922-2007)
Date Published1990
PublisherG. P. Putnam's Sons
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Early twenty-first century dystopia. The United States is essentially owned by Japanese corporations. This acts as the background to the novel.

Additional Publishers

U. K. ed. London; Jonathan Cape, 1990. Rpt. without the subtitle New York: Berkley, 1991. Rpt. in Novels 1987-1997 Bluebeard Hocus Pocus Timequake. Ed. Sidney Offit (New York: The Library of America, 2016), 217-479, with a Note on the Text (727-28) and Notes (757-40). An excerpt was published as “Hocus Pocus.” Illus. Norman Catherine. Penthouse (September 1990): 92-94, 172-73, 192.

Author Note


Full Text

1990 Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007). Hocus Pocus, Or What’s the Hurry Son? New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. U. K. ed. London; Jonathan Cape, 1990. Rpt. without the subtitle New York: Berkley, 1991. Rpt. in Novels 1987-1997 Bluebeard Hocus Pocus Timequake. Ed. Sidney Offit (New York: The Library of America, 2016), 217-479, with a Note on the Text (727-28) and Notes (757-40). An excerpt was published as “Hocus Pocus.” Illus. Norman Catherine. Penthouse (September 1990): 92-94, 172-73, 192.

Early twenty-first century dystopia. The United States is essentially owned by Japanese corporations. This acts as the background to the novel.