"Holy Terror"

Title"Holy Terror"
Year for Search2002
AuthorsSheppard, Simon
Secondary AuthorsTan, Cecilia(b. 1967)
Secondary TitleWired Hard 3: Erotica for a Gay Universe
Date Published2002
PublisherCirclet Press
Place PublishedCambridge, MA
KeywordsMale author

Dystopian erotica. After a cure for AIDS is found, the Christian right decide that gays must be controlled. Women are used for breeding and men as slave labor and for sex.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

2002 Sheppard, Simon. “Holy Terror.” Wired Hard 3: Erotica for a Gay Universe. Ed. Cecilia Tan (Cambridge, MA: Circlet Press, 2002), 164-78. PSt

Dystopian erotica. After a cure for AIDS is found, the Christian right decide that gays must be controlled. Women are used for breeding and men as slave labor and for sex.