
Year for Search2013
AuthorsDoctorow, Cory [Efram](b. 1971)
Date Published2013
PublisherTor Teen
Place PublishedNew York
ISBN Number9780765333698 978-1-250-77458-3
KeywordsCanadian author, English author, Male author

Sequel to 2008 Doctorow in which the protagonist of that novel is again threatened by the growing homeland security apparatus. A third volume in the loosely related series his Attack Surface (2029). A related novella is his “Lawful Interception.” Illus. Yuko Shimizu. Tor.com. http://www.tor.com/stories/2013/08/lawful-interception. 

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Little Brother & Homeland (New York: Tor/Tom Doherty Associates, 2020), 318-685, with an “Introduction” by Edward Snowden (7-9).

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (b. 1971) was born and raised in Canada, lived for many years in England and became a U.K. citizen, and moved to the U.S. in 2015.

Full Text

2013 Doctorow, Cory [Efram] (b. 1971). Homeland. New York: Tor Teen. Rpt. in Little Brother & Homeland (New York: Tor/Tom Doherty Associates, 2020), 318-685, with an “Introduction” by Edward Snowden (7-9). PSt, Public

Sequel to 2008 Doctorow in which the protagonist of that novel is again threatened by the growing homeland security apparatus. A third volume in the loosely related series his Attack Surface (2029). A related novella is his “Lawful Interception.” Illus. Yuko Shimizu. Tor.com. http://www.tor.com/stories/2013/08/lawful-interception. The author was born and raised in Canada, lived for many years in England and became a U.K. citizen, and moved to the U.S. in 2015.