"Horse Racing"

Title"Horse Racing"
Year for Search2008
AuthorsRosenblum, Mary(1952-2018)
Secondary TitleAsimov's Science Fiction
Volume / Edition 32.9 (392)
Date PublishedSeptember 2008
ISSN Number1065-6298
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The story describes a future in which people purchase the opportunity to direct the lives of potentially talented or talented people without their knowledge. While it appears clearly dystopian most of the people get better lives than they would have otherwise.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (1952-2018)

Full Text

2008 Rosenblum, Mary (1952-2018). “Horse Racing.” Asimov’s Science Fiction 32.9 (392) (September 2008): 52-63. Merril

The story describes a future in which people purchase the opportunity to direct the lives of potentially talented or talented people without their knowledge. While it appears clearly dystopian most of the people get better lives than they would have otherwise. Female author.