The Humanoid Touch

TitleThe Humanoid Touch
Year for Search1980
AuthorsWilliamson, Jack [John Stewart](1908-2006)
Pagination186 pp.
Date Published1980
PublisherHolt, Rinehart & Winston
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Following from 1949 Williamson, the robots follow humans to a planet without robots and begin to take over.

Additional Publishers

An excerpt was published as “The Humanoid Universe.” Illus. Paul Lehr. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 100.6 (June1980): 14-56; and rpt. in The Worlds of Jack Williamson: A Centennial Tribute 1908-2008. Ed. Stephen Haffner (Royal Oak, MI: Haffner Press, 2008): 521-66. 

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1980 Williamson, Jack (1908-2006). The Humanoid Touch. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 186 pp. An excerpt was published as “The Humanoid Universe.” Illus. Paul Lehr. Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact 100.6 (June 1980): 14-56; and rpt. in The Worlds of Jack Williamson: A Centennial Tribute 1908-2008. Ed. Stephen Haffner (Royal Oak, MI: Haffner Press, 2008): 521-66. Merril, PSt

Following from 1949 Williamson, the robots follow humans to a planet without robots and begin to take over.