"The Ideal Army"
Title | "The Ideal Army" |
Year for Search | 1915 |
Authors | Strozzi, [pseud.] |
Secondary Title | The Gasper |
Volume / Edition | no. 7 |
Pagination | 3 |
Date Published | October 23, 1915 |
Annotation | Poem describing an ideal army without many rules, optional parades, automatic leave, packs held aloft by balloons, and so forth. |
Pseudonym | Strozzi [pseud.] |
Holding Institutions | O |
Full Text | 1915 Strozzi [pseud.]. “The Ideal Army.” The Gasper, no. 7 (October 23, 1915): 3. O Poem describing an ideal army without many rules, optional parades, automatic leave, packs held aloft by balloons, and so forth. |