The Impression Club. A Novel

TitleThe Impression Club. A Novel
Year for Search1899
AuthorsCarter,, John Commodore Rollingpin
Date Published1899
PublisherCarter & Bro.
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Religious novel showing how lives can be transformed through religious belief, temperance, and the influence of women. The focus is on a group of individuals, but the novel suggests the eutopia that is in the process of being created.

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The pages given for the illustrations are wrong. 



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1899 Carter, John Henton, Commodore Rollingpin. The Impression Club. A Novel. Illus. New York: Carter & Bro. The pages given for the illustrations are wrong. PSt

Religious novel showing how lives can be transformed through religious belief, temperance, and the influence of women. The focus is on a group of individuals, but the novel suggests the eutopia that is in the process of being created.