"Indra's Web"

Title"Indra's Web"
Year for Search2011
AuthorsSingh, Vandana(b. 1950)
Secondary TitleTRSF. A special issue of Technology Review (MIT)
Date Published[October] 2011
KeywordsFemale author, Indian author, US author

An SF story that focuses on a new power source set in a previous slum outside Delhi, India that had been completely rebuilt using traditional methods and providing a better life for its inhabitants.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in her Ambiguity Machines & Other Stories (Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2018), 145-54.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Indian female author who holds a doctorate in physics and teaches physics at Framingham State University in Massachusetts.

Full Text

2011 Singh, Vandana. “Indra’s Web.” TRSF. A special issue of Technology Review (MIT) ([October] 2011): 9-13. Rpt. in her Ambiguity Machines & Other Stories (Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2018), 145-54.PSt

An SF story that focuses on a new power source set in a previous slum outside Delhi, India that had been completely rebuilt using traditional methods and providing a better life for its inhabitants. Indian female author who holds a doctorate in physics and teaches physics at Framingham State University in Massachusetts.