The Inner House
Title | The Inner House |
Year for Search | 1888 |
Authors | Besant, Walter(1836-1901) |
Date Published | 1888 |
Publisher | J.W. Arrowsmith/Simpkin, Marshall |
Place Published | Bristol, Eng./London |
Keywords | English author, Male author |
Annotation | Dystopia. Overregulated and over-protective society based on science achieving near-immortality. Anti-socialist. People are generally bored, unwilling to take risks. Food is the only pleasure. No family ties. No children born to keep population in balance. The one child born (to replace someone killed by lightning) grows up romanticizing the past. Some follow her in leaving the society to reestablish that past. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. London: Greenhill Books, 1986, with an “Afterword” by Brian Stableford (199). |
Holding Institutions | LLL, PSt |
Author Note | (1836-1901) |
Full Text | 1888 Besant, Walter (1836-1901). The Inner House. Dystopia. Overregulated and over-protective society based on science achieving near-immortality. Anti-socialist. People are generally bored, unwilling to take risks. Food is the only pleasure. No family ties. No children born to keep population in balance. The one child born (to replace someone killed by lightning) grows up romanticizing the past. Some follow her in leaving the society to reestablish that past. |